Saturday, April 26, 2014

A Signal of the Soul Wanting to Grow...

A Signal of the Soul Wanting to Grow...

As my normal readers know, I have become a fan of Twitter. In fact, I now have two accounts on Twitter. [The one for this page is .] I love all the positive, encouragement, and support I have found on Twitter. I am also a person who loves positive quotes and encouraging phrases. So I have followed a lot of pages that deliver positivity and some great insights. I came across one a month ago and I have been repeating it over and over in my mind.

“Depression is often a signal of the soul wanting to grow. The key is to listen to your inner self and seek the deeper meaning behind the pain.”  Dr. Tammi B PhD [On Twitter- ]

Now depression is something I have battled for as long as I can remember. When I use the word depression I’m not talking about just feeling sad or boomed out. I’m talking about going to a deep dark place into my core. I’m talking depression- feelings of hopelessness and wanting to quit. That is what I’ve struggled with as far back as I can remember.  As most of my readers know I tried to kill myself twice in my life as teenager. I hit a point in my adult life where I was praying for God to take me home. [You can read about it in this blog posting: ]

When I read this quote it really started my mind to wondering all over the place. “A signal of the soul wanting to grow.” That is where I’m at in my life. I’ve been growing and I’ve been facing life, problems, past, fears…. Head on. I’m not allowing myself to quit. I’m not even cutting myself some slack. So why did this quote bother me? Why was I always thinking about it lately?

I have been really struggling for the past six weeks. [We all have these moments in our lives.] I have been dealing with some issues. I kept telling myself “I have been growing. I had been changing.
Wait, changing there is an interesting word.
Have I changed? I can honestly say- Yes.
Have I changed completely? No we’re being honest here.
Then I realized why I was so upset. I had pictured myself completely changed by now. After all, it’s almost been a year since I started this journey of change. I had pictured myself at my weight loss goal. I had pictured myself without the panic attacks, without the nerves and without the fears. I still had them. Honestly, I had one really big one recently that lasted most of the day. I didn’t feel like I had changed at all. I was allowing these feelings of failure to come into my body, mind and my core. When that happened I stopped changing. I just stopped! I stayed in one place.  My soul wanted to continue growing. My soul didn’t like staying in one spot. My soul liked the growing, expanding, changing and embracing the new. The staying still was no longer cutting it for my soul. It now knew there was so much more out there and it wanted to continue enjoying it.

“The key is to listen to your inner self and seek deeper meaning behind the pain.”

Have you ever found yourself in an argument with yourself? [No I’m not crazy just keep reading.] I’m just trying to explain that my old self wanted to take over but the new person I had become was fighting back.

The old me- quit, hide from the world, don’t make a decision, let fear of having a panic attack in public rob me of a life. The old me didn’t really exist beyond the surface because dealing with all my mistakes, failures, fear, dread, and pain. It just wasn’t happening. I was a dark person.

New me- Lover of life, passion, dreams, hope, fun, willing to try new things, take a chance and if I have a panic attack in public I’ll deal. The new me was in charge and not willing to let go! I’m glad.
Old Me- Now what do I do? I didn’t change completely I haven’t reached the big goal so why?

New me-“Wait Look at what you did change:

1-You’ve lost weight and inches. You have gotten rid of rolls of fat on your body.
2-You work out and walk. You have gained so much energy and mobility. You do so much more!

3-You have let yourself write again. You are embracing that dream. You are writing a story. You are also blogging. You also have had two articles published.

4-You have become social. You have made the few friendships you had left stronger. You are connected to them more. You have made new friends. You are meeting people.
5-You have confidence and courage and respect for yourself now. You have learned to love yourself. You are able to love others now.
6-You have goals, dreams and plans now. More importantly you are a person who takes action to achieve them.

Old me-“But you didn’t”

New ME- “SHUT UP!"

I’m going to work out now!




Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Grateful to Block Heads for helping me through the Panic

Grateful to Block Heads for helping me through the Panic

Well this bad day started last night. I would fall asleep and wake up screaming my head off with Nightmares. URR! I got about maybe two hours of sleep.
I finally got up this morning and I was determined to make the most of this day. I start going about my morning routine and wham! Out of nowhere I am frozen in place. I can’t move. I couldn’t leave my room. I started talking to myself telling myself I was safe and trying to refocus myself but it didn’t work. I was getting worse by the second. My hands and arms were shaking. I couldn’t move. All I was able to do was shake. Then I was having trouble breathing. I couldn’t get a clear thought coming into my head. I couldn’t focus. All I could think about was I was failing yet again. I had a huge list of things to do and I couldn’t leave my room.  I stood there for about 30 minutes not able to do anything. I was afraid and can’t tell the exact thing I was afraid of. The shaking was now really bad. I looked like I was dancing in place but it was just me shaking.
I got my feet to move but only to the desk in my room. I sat there for a long time shaking and crying. My thoughts were racing so fast I was not able to understand any of them in my head. I was now officially late. Nothing I did was calming me down. I just sat there shaking and crying my eyes out. Then I started feeling like a failure. I was sitting in my room unable to leave it. Doesn’t get much lower than that. When I say I was full of fear, dread, and panic that is putting it mildly. It was now this force that had taken over my entire body and mind. I felt as though my own body had turned against me. I no longer had control of my body. NONE! I was like this for almost an hour.
In my mind I was as much a failure as when I was in Jr. High & High school and was unable to go to school because I had this panic attacks so bad. I was stuck in my room unable to leave because of fear. Not feeling like I belonged to my family because I couldn’t even join them out of my ROOM! Well I was feeling like this today. I had nothing to offer I couldn’t even take care of myself. I felt like I had not made any progress at all.
I finally was able to turn on my laptop. I turned on my NKOTB music. [There music always helped me. Jon saved my life.] I do really well at just focusing on their music. It helps me refocus and calm down. I was having trouble today focusing on the words. I was still shaking and still crying. [I’m doing this as I write this blog] I turned up the music and then began to just focus on the words of the songs. Then Back to Life came back on and I was able to really focus on the words and this one really helped me. I was able to calm down enough to start allowing myself to think. I started using all the tools I know to refocus my mind. Make myself understand I was safe. I was trying to clear my mind of everything except focusing on the music and I was safe. My phone rang and I answered it. Big mistake! Made things worse. Some people do not understand that I can’t take a deep breath and snap out of this. IT DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY! I was unable to focus again. My mind was racing and I couldn’t keep it together. The phone rang again. [Same person] I turned off the phone. So I got online. Now this took me almost ten minutes because my hands were shaking so bad I couldn’t type. I finally got online. I logged into my Twitter account and then did nothing. I couldn’t focus enough to read anything. I replayed Back to Life & We Own Tonight and just focused on the words of the song. I was able to get my mind to think of nothing but the words to these two songs. I cleared it of everything that I had to do today. I cleared it off all the emotions I was feeling and just had the words of these two songs in my mind. That was it.
It helped because now I could read and type on Twitter. I was still shaking and crying but I was starting to regain control slowly. I tried to just focus posts that were care free. It seemed at first no one was online. I then started distracting myself with NKOTB and BH stuff. I checked all the guys’ pages and realized Jon still hadn’t posted anything. Then a BH put out how they missed Jon and I replied me too. Then I got the craziest thought in my head. I decided to distract myself with- #HaveUSeenJonKnight. I thought well let’s see if we can trend this. I started making all kinds of posts with- #HaveUSeenJonKnight. I put I needed to distract myself. Then a BH asked what I was distracting myself from. I said trying to calm down from Panic Attack and I got the most overwhelming and wonderful encouragement and support from my closer friends on Twitter [Who are BH’s] to BH’s I don’t know. I got messages of support. I got BH’s Tweeting let’s trend this for @MarieMontgome16 to help distract her. #HaveUSeenJonKnight. Tweet after Tweet was popping up with #HaveUSeenJonKnight. I also got DM with encouraging words and support. I now follow a lot more BH’s because of their support! I was able to regain focus. I was able to calm down. I was able to stop having a panic attack. It was amazing at the love & support I got today. I’m a very grateful BH.
My day didn’t get easier and I am still very much shaking up but my day did get better. Thank you Block Heads. I may not have been able to trend #HaveUSeenJonKnight but you helped this BH through a very scary day of panic.
If you’d like to read how I began this journey of change and see how Jon saved my life check out my first posting:


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Sweat it is a Good Thing, Right?

Sweat it is a Good Thing, Right?
I’m sitting here covered in sweat. [My roommate did laundry and I’m waiting for the hot water to build back up.] I did my daily workout date and then some. Let me tell you the amount of sweat surprises me because I haven’t pushed myself this hard in a long time.

Well I met a new workout challenge today. I added two songs to the DVD. My hips, thighs, knees, calves and ankles are screaming at me right now. [I’m beginning to like them complaining because it means they are having to their job again.] I finished the DVD and wasn’t done. I went to my room and did more. I put my ear phones on and turned on my MP3 player and did Sign-Er-Cise. I did this for additional 20 minutes. I reached the point where I couldn’t do any more. I walked around my house for about five minutes. I looked at the clock and realized I had done one hour and fifteen minutes of exercise. [Continual]

I’m unable to explain how much better I feel right now. I am thinking clearer and even feel the blood through my body. My head is cleared and I’m able to focus.  I am back to where I was before I had to stop [on Dr. Orders] due to my health. I don’t feel like I am back tracking again.  Now I can’t wait till this evening when I get to do my walk. I love my walking time.
Believe it or not I like the fact that I am covered in sweat right now.

To see where my journey began please read:


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

WHOOOOO! Glad that's over

WHOOOOOOO! That is over!
Ok as most of you know I have been having some serious medical problems. I had a GYN appointment today and found out some news. [Again for the males that read this blog it will not get to detailed.]
Yesterday was a hard day for me. I hate these appointments. I’m afraid of them. So much so I had to have my sister go with me. She thankfully agreed to go with me. But by 5pm yesterday I was panicked. I tried everything to calm down.  I was talking to friends on Twitter and FB. I was blessed to have several people talk to me. I tried to sleep and I couldn’t sleep. I tried to write and I couldn’t write. I tried listening to my praise music. I was praying. I just was not calming down enough to sleep. I kept having memories going through my head. I kept thinking the appointment was going to be like the memory. I was going in a vicious circle. I was sitting in my bed shaking. I gave up sleeping around 3am. I got up took a shower and just texted a best friend. I then just turned on my favorite album lately “10” and started signing it. [American Sign Language] I signed the whole album. I was a bit calmer. I wasn’t shaking as bad. Then I signed the album I learned to sign to Hangin’ Tough. I did the whole album. By this time I was calm. It was 6:30 so I just went about my daily routine.
My sister shows up and gives me a ride. Poor thing I talked her ear off but she listened patiently. We go the doctor’s office and his entire staff was nice and understanding to me. I was glad about this fact because most of the ones I have seen were not very nice to me.  The doctor was as nice as can be as well. He was understanding of my panic attacks. He was understanding that my sister was in the room. Everything went smoothly from there. He took me off the medicine that makes me sick. Yeah! He is replacing it with some hormones. We have a plan for treatments. [Won’t share on here because of males being on here.] I am pleased with this doctor. He reassured me I wasn’t crazy like my other doctor told me. He didn’t dismiss me. He listened to me and very caring. I was very grateful.
Although I am very sleepy from not getting any sleep I am very relieved.  I’m going to go work out and do a walk today. I’m going to get a lot of my writing done. I feel so much better now.
To see where I began my journey:
To follow me through the Journey of Change on Twitter:


Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Chance!

A Chance!
A Chance. Two simple words A Chance! We all say take a chance but for me that is something that isn’t easily done. A Chance! If I do anything I plan it and it is never really anything that would be considered a chance. I go out with my siblings and their families or a friend but other than that I don’t go out. I am a home buddy that wishes she wasn’t a home body.
The idea of going out isn’t always an easy one for me. You see I’m still afraid of having a panic attack where a lot of people will see me. I even try to hide from my family when I have them. I want to go concerts, or out on a date, or a girl’s night out. I haven’t done any of these for so long. I have had my biological father offer on three different occasions to send me to see my favorite group. [Favorite since I was 12.] In 2008 when NKOTB got back together, again when they did the Package Tour with Back Street Boys and this past year with their 10 album release. All three times I came up with an excuse not to go. The true reasons were- I was afraid of having a panic attack. I let the fear of having a panic attack keep me from going and having the time of my life three different times now. I have regretted this decision every day. I hate that I didn’t go. I have seen clips on YouTube and man were these awesome concerts! [I should have taken a chance and gone to the concerts. If I had a panic attack and was shaking people would have thought I was dancing.]
Yesterday a friend sent me a link to a contest with the message- “ENTER!” I clicked on the link thinking it was something for her kids or school but it was a contest to win NKOTB concert tickets in Las Vegas. I closed the link down and said I can’t do that. I wouldn’t handle the contest. I walked out of my room and then turned around and went back to my computer and pulled it up again. I sat there staring at it for a while. I kept picturing me winning and then having a panic attack in front of everyone. I kept seeing this scenario over and over. I then looked at the inspiration pictures on my wall all around my desk. I saw the one where I wanted to go on NKOTB cruise in 2015. I then remembered the regret I had at not going to the three concerts in the past. I took a deep breath and clicked on the link. I couldn’t think of anything clever or cute to say so I stated how I wanted to thank them esp. JON and posted a link to my very first blog posting. I shared it with everyone. If I win I will be there. If I have a panic attack I’ll still be there. I’m not going to let this fear keep me from entering the contest. If I win I’m not going to let fear keep me from me going and having fun with NKOTB and loads of BH’s. If you’d like to vote for me here is the link and you vote every day.
If you’d like to read how Jon and NKOTB have saved and touched my life then read my very first blog posting.
If you’d like to follow me on Twitter where I post about my Journey of Change
Thank You! Have a great day!