Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Journey

The Journey

I started writing this blog a year ago. I was encouraged to write about my experience and journey by family and friends. They kept continually telling me to do this. I finally gave in and started writing this blog. Now this blog doesn’t have very many readers. It doesn’t have many people who comment on it either. However, my friends and family were right it did help someone-me. It has been nice to go back and read the blog and discover the changes in myself both physically and emotional.
I am physically smaller but it is so much more than that. I have lost from head to toe 77 ½”. That changes ones view of them self. It has changed mine. I have lost 50 pounds too.  I know 50 isn’t a lot in the grand scheme of things. [I have a lot more to lose.] I have gained energy and mobility. When I started walking was hard and hurt. I like to walk now. I find it to be relaxing and enjoyable. When I started I couldn’t even do three songs on an exercise DVD. I can do the whole DVD now. I feel energized and happier when I work out. I never knew that working out would help me be feel happier but it does. I’ve physically gained so much this year.
I have gained confidence. I’ve always lacked confidence in myself. I’m gaining more confidence every day. This was something I never planned on gaining. I like having confidence because it helps when you are living your life and facing so many of your fears and past head on. Having confidence in myself and my abilities gives me the push within to keep going.  I’ve built my confidence up to the point I’ve even gone after jobs that I wouldn’t have in the past.
Gaining confidence has awoken up my passion for writing and performing again. I’m doing something I have always wanted to do and I am writing a story. I have enjoyed this creative process of developing characters and plots. I enjoy this writing and look forward to finishing this story. I’m hopeful that it will be published. I’ve also written a Christmas play that my church will be putting on this year. [I’m blessed that it is being used.] I’ve started performing at church more. Being able to express myself creativity is a gift that I’m grateful and blessed to be able to enjoy.
When I think back on where I began this journey to where I am now and I say WOW! People have asked me-So this means you no longer have panic attacks? No I’ll always have them but I’m continuing to find a way to live my life with them. I don’t hide them anymore. I’m not ashamed of who I am any more. I accept I have them and now I LIVE with them.
To see where my journey began read my first blog:
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