Saturday, February 8, 2014

My FANtastic Moment

My FANtastic Moment

As you all know, I am a huge New Kid on the Block [NKOTB] fan. I proudly call myself a Block Head [BH]. I have had a lot of many blessing since Thursday. I was followed by Danny Wood [NKOTB member] followed me on Twitter. I like following Danny because he always Tweets about his workouts and running. Danny is #LivingHealthy and encourages everyone that follows him to do so as well. There have been times when I see his Tweet- “Workout for the day done” and I’m reminded to work out or decide to work out again. I’m always encouraged to keep getting healthy by Danny’s Tweets. So when he followed me I was grateful. I had a little fan girl moment. I shouted “YES!” so loud I scared my roommate. 

Then there was the FANtastic moment of this afternoon. Today was a great day! I made a lot of progress in the story I’m writing, able to get a good workout in and I had a something wonderful happen to me. I’m having trouble writing about this moment. [Due to still being so happy.] Well today I logged onto Twitter and it showed I had a Direct Message. [DM] I clicked onto the messages and got a surprise. I had a DM from Jonathan Knight. [NKOTB Member] I just stared at the screen. I read it again. I double checked to make sure I was right about who sent it. I was right. Then I found myself screaming! [All the BH’s know what I mean by screaming. I was in fan mode.] I never expected a DM from him. Never! I was so surprised, excited and happy. I was walking on air for most of the day. [Ok I’m still walking on air.] Jonathan just responded to a comment I made about a picture he posted.  I was honored that Jon took time from his vacation to respond to me. I know he has no idea who I am. I know he doesn’t know that he saved my life. I know he doesn’t know how much he inspires me. I know that he doesn’t know he is my hero.  But I’m just honored he took a moment to send me that DM.

[To understand how he saved my life read how my journey began:

Let’s just say I am even more motivated to achieve my weight loss goal and go on the NKOTB cruise in 2015.  I am very motivated for my smaller goal of 50 pounds by May 14, 2014. I’ll reach it. I know I will.  Now I am adding to my walking and my work outs. I’ll be writing about that soon.  I hope you all have a blessed and magical day!

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