Saturday, January 2, 2016

Things I Have Learned About Me in 2015

It is January 2, 2016 and I am sitting here writing this blog posting while an honest look back at 2015. I had a lot of successes and some mistakes. Ok I have even had some flat out failures. I have learned from failures. I have gotten up and searched for a new path/answer.
Things I have learned about myself:

1-I can easily become distracted from ultimate goals. I don’t mean I quit I mean I allow myself to get so caught up in being busy doing other things that I sometimes forget to take the steps toward my ultimate goals. My distraction also comes from getting tunnel vision. For example, I have this blog, its Facebook and Twitter page, I also have a Fan Page I run on Facebook, My personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, I am the Children/Youth director at my church and its Facebook page, I have started my own business, plus I am looking for part time work to help out, I take care of roommate who can’t live alone and on top of this I am trying to still write my book. I can get such tunnel vision for one of these things that I forget to work on the others at the same time. It isn’t that I don’t think about them or want to work on them I just get so involved in one that I lose track of time or focus and forget about everything else. I haven’t done anything in this blog since mid-December because of that very reason. I got very focused on things for my church group and making Christmas great for the lady I care for I forgot to blog. I haven’t even been able to write in my story for 6 weeks. I also can get sucked into a TV program and lose track of time. I wish I had a DVR it might help or make it worse.
I am still walking and following my FirstFitness Nutrition plan but I forget to let people know about it. Not good because this is my business. This is also a goal of mine.

2-I’m not able to get truly organized. I’m never have been organized. I have piles everywhere on my desk. I know where things are but it just looks messy.

3-I put things off till the last minute way too often. If I think about it and make a list I tend to think it’s done or I have time to finish the project and not realizing how close the date is approaching. So I have a lot of rushing around closer to the date to finish everything. Or I have the opposite problem. I try to plan ahead and every detail and assign people to do their parts and never hear from them. Keep asking for updates and they never reply and I think they aren’t doing their part. I plan too much till people get mad so I back way off and then have the problem of putting things off. I need to find a happy medium between these two.
Basically all of the above items seem to boil down to one major problem in my life. TIME MANAGEMENT! I need to develop/learn this skill. I need to use timers that remind to get off Facebook or move to the group/thing I am working on. The first quarter of the year I am working on developing/learning time management!

Yes I am still working on getting healthy and losing weight. Yes I am still learning how to handle panic attacks. Yes I am still going to be walking and exercising. I am still on the Journey of change. I’m still Breaking Free! I’m just learning a new skill on this journey-Time Management!
I am looking forward to this journey!

Check out my FirstFitness website:
Facebook account that goes with this blog:

The Twitter account that goes with this blog
Account for Blog-

To see where I began this journey:


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