Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Daily Victories

Daily Victories
Please bear with this blog it starts out negative but gets better.

I have had tunnel vision for two things lately. I haven’t written on here in a while. I’ve been inspired on how to write things for my story. So I’ll start working on it and then look up and it is several hours later. If it isn’t the story then I’ve been making lesson plans for the youth group I work with. Again I’ll start and hours go by without me noticing it. I also think working on these things helps me not think about what is going on in my life. If you’ve read my blog before you know I don’t handle stress or change very well. There’s a lot of it lately!!!!!!!!!

My dad has become disabled. He is now unable to work at all. Now I’m watching him and my mom struggle emotionally and financially. Due to dad not working they’re down to one person income. Plus my dad’s medicine isn’t covered by insurance. They are fighting to get it covered but it isn’t so instead of paying bills they buy his $1,400 a month medicine. As their daughter it breaks my heart that I can’t just fix this for them. I don’t have it to give to them. It also breaks my heart to see my dad’s health decline.

I’m also watching my roommate’s health decline more lately. She recently had to fill out paperwork with the hospital about how she wanted things to go for her medically. This was hard for me to witness. It has caused me a lot of concern. My roommate’s daughter is battling the same thing and isn’t getting better. My roommate just found out that her mother has cancer. My heart breaks for this family.

I work one day a week caring for an 85 year old lady whose health is also declining daily. I love this lady too.

Lately all I see is people dealing with people who realize how close death is for them. It does make you think. It also can make your heart really sad. Thoughts about not having them with me. Then I go into over drive and try to find a way to improve all of their lives. This can cause a lot more stress to the situation. I’ve done a lot of WHY???? I’ve realized this is a waste of time.

I really have gotten very depressed lately. I had to fake being positive because it wasn’t really what I was feeling. I was over whelmed by the cost of the extra medical things everyone needed. I had to borrow money from someone. I hated that. I also might have to ask to borrow again. I’ve been filling out applications online daily. I’ve been trying to find a job that allows me to work more than one day a week. I get called for interviews but when they see me in person they always tell me things like “I don’t think you could keep up.” “Umm I’m not sure you’d fit in here.”  This only adds to my depression. I know I’m extremely over weight but I’m working on it. I’m becoming a healthier person. I need a job in the meantime. This was the cycle I was stuck in. URR! I’ve taken to just getting tunnel vision for things that I can control like my writing.

Yesterday I was talking with a friend who said “Sometimes I wish we had trophies for the little victories.” It got me to thinking. There really is a lot of little victories daily! We must allow ourselves to see them. When we do we see so many victories.

Victories for me are there.
1-I’m still alive. This means I have another chance to go for it. I have another chance to make this day better. I have another chance to go for my dreams. I have another chance to tell people I love them. I have another chance to make people smile. I have another chance to become a good daughter. I have another chance to become a better friend. I have another chance to work on getting out of debt. I have another chance at finding another job. I have another chance at losing this weight. I have another chance to make the youth group grow. I have another chance at writing in my story. I have another chance to have a positive impact on someone else life. I have another chance to…………………..WOW! I’m Still Alive is a great victory.

2-I have decided I’m not going to quit. I was given a graduation card that the person wrote me a message. They told me I had the gift of not quitting no matter how long it took me to achieve the goal. [It took me a LONG time to get my associates degree.] I didn’t understand how important that is till now. No matter how you fail get up and go again. I’m blessed to go again.

3-I have people here with now that are still alive. I can make memories with them. My roommate struggles on a daily bases. She isn’t able to even get out of the house much. Sometimes months go by with her no able to get out. Yet she has one of the most positive attitudes of anyone I know. She is laughing as she struggles. That is a blessing to witness. I’m even more blessed because she is determined I’m going to achieve my goals.

4-I’ve made a lot of progress. I’m walking better than 3 years ago. I’m healthier than I was 3 years ago. I have more confidence than I was 3 years ago.

I have many more victories in my life that happen daily. My new goal is to search them out and embrace them. I’ve also got a goal of writing a blog at least once a week. I did better when I did that.

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