Thursday, November 12, 2015

I Have Started My Own Business

I Started My Own Business
First of all, no I have not quit. No I am not died. I just don’t have internet. I miss it. I hope to make enough soon to be able to get the internet back in my house. I have faith I will have internet soon. I have still been walking and adding/trying new things to make myself healthier. I have also been really buy working on lesson plans for the Wednesday night class I teach and activities for their class. Then I have been so inspired with the writing I do that I haven’t made it to the library as often as I thought I would.

As you all know I have been looking for a job for a long time now. I keep getting employers who love my resume but think I can’t keep up. I know this because I have had employers tell me that. I am beyond frustrated. There are so many things that having a paycheck will provide for you. Believe me I know this for a fact. I need a paycheck. I’m living off food banks and a friend who lets me stay with her in exchange for taking care of her. [Thankful for this fact.] I found myself at a complete loss at what to do. I needed a job. I have student loans and medical bills piling up. I wanted to be able to still do the FirstFitness Nutrition program. [Because it worked] I was getting desperate. The amount of stress not having a job can do to someone is crazy. My nerves have been giving me fits. I seemed to not be able to anything to help add myself in getting this job. I felt like I was in a downward spiral. Nothing seemed to be working! I was starting to have panic attacks again over doing things I do every day. Leaving my house was becoming hard again. [Yes this lead to me having trouble leaving my house to go to the library. I started to struggle just to leave my house again. I was getting depressed again. This isn’t good because that is a dark hole to climb out. I was no longer able to afford FirstFitness. I wasn’t even able to buy food. [Food banks gave food but lots of sweets, snacks, pasta, and not a lot else. Grateful to have food but this only adds to the problem of gaining weight.] I was desperate. I prayed for God to provide a way for me to do FirstFitness Nutrition and find a job. I was pleading for this to happen.

My New Adventure!
That night when I got home I received a text from someone telling me they had talked to my sister, Chelley and wanted to help me become a distributor. [They want to anonymous] I had no idea why this person would do that. I picked up my phone and called Chelley. I asked if she knew what was going on. She explained she had been contacted by this person and they were going to help.  She then explained my options. I told her I would think about it. Later that night I realized something. I had way to have not only a job but a business. I had a way to be able to do the FirstFitness Nutrition and start making an income. I had the answer to my prayer. I agreed to do this. Thank God!

I’m excited, nervous and happy to announce I am now a FirstFitness Nutrition distributor. I am selling the product that is helping me become healthier. I love working this program because I not only lost weight, I lost inches of pure fat. I have energy. I don’t feel sick all the time. I love FirstFitness. I love the support I have received from everyone at FirstFitness. It is wonderful. To check out my FirstFitness Nutrition business check out my website.

The next couple of weeks will be filled with me learning about my new business and getting my life back on the healthy track. You will be getting a lot of updates from me. I’m so excited because I now have my own business. YEEEESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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