Monday, April 6, 2015

Keep Going, Even Though......

Keep Going, Even Though…….
I have a new laptop. I’ve been without one for just over a month. I misses having a laptop. I do like having the tablet but it has a lot of limitations. The biggest being not able to use it for writing blog postings and working on my story. I missed doing these postings. So let’s not waste any more time and catch up.

I’ve been working hard on achieving my long term and short term goals. My first short term goal is approaching fast. The NKOTB concert is on May 14th. The closer it gets the more excited I become. I still have my doubts as if I will be able to sit in the sits. The ones who read my blog know why I have concerns. I am sure I will be standing the entire time. [Even before the concert even starts.] I have continued to add to my walking time. I hate days where I don’t get a walk in. I also watch TV standing to get my legs used to standing that long. I’m able to stand the entire time I watch Blue Bloods. [I stand up a lot now to try and get my legs, knees and ankle.] I am happy to say that my legs are getting used to standing and moving. YESSSS!

I have to share this story. I was shopping with a friend of mine a few days ago. She is normally a much faster walker than me. She also can walk all over stores for hours and not get tired. We were going about our shopping when she suddenly stopped and looked at me. I asked her “What?” She replied “You are able to keep up with me. You are not tired.” I smiled because she is right. This is one of the moments in my life proved that I am on the right path.

Another sign is I bought new clothes recently and they were all a size smaller. Yeah!!!!!!! In fact my shirt could be a size smaller. This is great news to me. I’m looking forward to buying new clothes again because I know it will be a smaller size again. I’m looking forward to loosing enough weight that I can get into the fashionable clothes instead of the baggy oversized ones.

You might be wondering with the good news why the tittle of this post? I am losing more inches than I am pounds. I know inches are very important to lose and mean I am losing more fat but I do miss the numbers going down on the scale. The numbers on the scales are staying the same. I am growing impatient in this part of my journey but I keep getting told I need to be patience. The weight will start to come off again. My response is when? WHEN?

I am making progress in the story I am writing too. My writing is improving and I’m learning what is needed and what is too much. Trust me as a writer it is hard to cut your writings. I still love it when the creative energies are flowing free. Sometimes they flow faster than I can type. I am still in love with writing.
I still struggle with my nerves but I haven’t had a panic attack for a while. I’m still pushing myself and trying new things even if they make me nervous. I still worry about having a panic attack on the greyhound bus to the concert or during the concert. I do not want to embarrass myself by having a panic at the concert. I worry about things like this. I know that doesn’t help but I am working on changing that too.

I’m still traveling on this Journey of Change.
If you want to see where I began my journey check out my first blog:

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