Friday, January 22, 2016

Answering a Question

Answering a question…….
I was asked this question through FB message.
"Why should I or anyone else wanting to lose weight listen to someone like you? You are fat."

I have actually been asked this question quite often. It always gets to me. When I saw this question in my Facebook message I got upset. In fact, I got mad. I seem to get over looked a lot. People see my size then just dismiss me without a second thought. It really does hurt to be dismissed.

I wrote a rather lengthy blog in response to the above question. I wrote it when I was mad and hurt. I was rude and seriously vented in that blog posting. However, I didn’t really write anything that would make a difference in that posting. I deleted the blog posting. This is me, trying to honestly answer this question.

Ok I know that I am fat. I am very aware of this fact. If you had ever read one of my blog postings you would have known this fact. I have acknowledged this fact. I have also admitted that yes there have been facts that contributed to my size. I am the one who made the decision to eat and live unhealthy and it has led me to this point in my life. I know this. I am changing this.

Why should you listen to me? Because I have been there. I am still there. I am still in the battle. Yes it is a moment by moment battle. I understand the emotions that go hand in hand with this kind of weight loss. I understand that not all of the emotions are happy or good ones. I have been over weight 95% of my life. I can relate to being extremely over weight.

Why should you listen to me? Wait, I don’t think I am an expert. I do not know all the answers. When I learn something that works I share it. When I have success I share it. When I make mistakes I share it. When I fall down on my face I share it. I share what I am learning. I share what I am doing and that is working for me. Why do I do this? Simple. For a long time I felt like there was no hope for me. I was trapped in the chains I had made for myself. I know and understand how hard it is to get one of the links in your chains to start to give. I have broken free from so many of my chains. I also have taken steps backwards and allowed some of the chains to link back together around me. I have taken steps forward again and broken them again. I understand it. I have more chains to break through. I have ways to go still. I have come a long way. I just want others to feel and know they aren’t alone.  I believe the blog I wrote before this one explains perfectly why I write this blog. It explains why I share my story successes and failures.

Why should you listen to me? Because I care. I understand. I want you to know you are not alone. I want you know you can do this. If you want I’d love to encourage you along the way. Share emails and messages with you. When you fall I’ll be there to give you a hand up. When I fall, and I know I will, you can give me a hand up. I hope this answers the question.

I started here- 
Facebook account that goes with this blog: To follow me on Twitter

Monday, January 18, 2016

To the People Like Me..

To the people like me…………..

I have no idea why but I have felt like I should write this blog for several days. I finally sat down and wrote it. I do help it reaches someone that needs it.

We all struggle with our weight and wanting to be healthy in some way. I get that but right now I’d like to talk to the gals/guys like me. The kind of people who need to lose over 100 pounds. I’m talking about the people who, like me, are extremely obese. When I started this journey seriously I was 470. (This was after going down some before I weighed.) I want to talk to these people. I want to talk to the people like me that have eaten their feelings. Yes, I said eaten their feelings. For me weight is very much associated with my feelings. When I’m happy, I eat. When I’m sad, I eat. When I’m frustrated/stressed, I eat. When I’m scared, I eat. When I am hurt, I eat. When I’m nervous, I eat. After a panic attack, I eat. Do you see the pattern here? I’m speaking to the guys/gals out there that feel like their body is a trap for them. Yes my body does feel like a trap sometimes. It does prevent me from doing many things I want to do. Why- All the weight hurts my bones. It also makes you tired quicker.

I’m talking to the people who see all of the ads with people who said they lost 30 pounds or I went from a size 12 to 6 and think UMM REALLY? I get it because according to woman within I am a size 42W/44W 6x in knit pants. Jeans is even bigger they’re a 48W. If I was a size 12 I’d be dancing in the street. My ultimate goal is to be 16/18W 1x size. And you’re upset about a size 12?” I get it.

I do understand that everyone wants to lose the weight but it is hard to relate when you’re my size. I am very happy for you that you lost the weight but I’m starting in a whole different place than you. I now that there are many people out there that are like me and starting from the same place like me.

I’m talking to the people like me who have tried and lost a bit but gained a lot more back again. I’m talking to the people that are like me and have started so many times that people dismiss you. I’m talking to the people that feel like there is no hope for them. (I’ve been there. I’ve prayed to die. Read where I began the journey I am on now you will see I truly get it.)

I am in a place in my journey where I now see hope. In fact, I have Hope and Faith that I will become a much healthier person. I have made very huge steps in this process. I’ve fallen on my face but I have gotten back up too.

I’m talking to the people like me who just want someone to understand them. Someone to help them take the slow first step in feeling better. Someone who understands the emotions involved and connected to losing weight for us. I’m talking to people like me who have trouble seeing themselves healthy ever again.

I’m taking to the people like me, which either have been in the dark place or are there now. Please I’m begging you do not give up. Reach out. If not to me then to someone. If you contacted me through email, Twitter or Facebook I’d be more than happy to reply and help you and encourage you. Contact me: or and I will respond. Don’t give up.

I am doing my Journey of Change Breaking Free from the Chains of Panic and Weight. I started slow and then stopped and started and then stopped and then started and stay on it but made mistakes and kept going. Like I said I get it. I understand. I have found a plan that works for me it is through FirstFitness Nutrition. The reason this worked is the coaching I got from Chelley Fendley, Dennis Fendley, Jennifer Edwards, Penny Fox and people that don’t want me to use their names. Plus I reached out to people on line and gained a huge support system. I would love to be your support system. I’d love to help you break free from your weight or even your panic. Just take that first step.

This is the program I am doing




Saturday, January 2, 2016

Things I Have Learned About Me in 2015

It is January 2, 2016 and I am sitting here writing this blog posting while an honest look back at 2015. I had a lot of successes and some mistakes. Ok I have even had some flat out failures. I have learned from failures. I have gotten up and searched for a new path/answer.
Things I have learned about myself:

1-I can easily become distracted from ultimate goals. I don’t mean I quit I mean I allow myself to get so caught up in being busy doing other things that I sometimes forget to take the steps toward my ultimate goals. My distraction also comes from getting tunnel vision. For example, I have this blog, its Facebook and Twitter page, I also have a Fan Page I run on Facebook, My personal Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, I am the Children/Youth director at my church and its Facebook page, I have started my own business, plus I am looking for part time work to help out, I take care of roommate who can’t live alone and on top of this I am trying to still write my book. I can get such tunnel vision for one of these things that I forget to work on the others at the same time. It isn’t that I don’t think about them or want to work on them I just get so involved in one that I lose track of time or focus and forget about everything else. I haven’t done anything in this blog since mid-December because of that very reason. I got very focused on things for my church group and making Christmas great for the lady I care for I forgot to blog. I haven’t even been able to write in my story for 6 weeks. I also can get sucked into a TV program and lose track of time. I wish I had a DVR it might help or make it worse.
I am still walking and following my FirstFitness Nutrition plan but I forget to let people know about it. Not good because this is my business. This is also a goal of mine.

2-I’m not able to get truly organized. I’m never have been organized. I have piles everywhere on my desk. I know where things are but it just looks messy.

3-I put things off till the last minute way too often. If I think about it and make a list I tend to think it’s done or I have time to finish the project and not realizing how close the date is approaching. So I have a lot of rushing around closer to the date to finish everything. Or I have the opposite problem. I try to plan ahead and every detail and assign people to do their parts and never hear from them. Keep asking for updates and they never reply and I think they aren’t doing their part. I plan too much till people get mad so I back way off and then have the problem of putting things off. I need to find a happy medium between these two.
Basically all of the above items seem to boil down to one major problem in my life. TIME MANAGEMENT! I need to develop/learn this skill. I need to use timers that remind to get off Facebook or move to the group/thing I am working on. The first quarter of the year I am working on developing/learning time management!

Yes I am still working on getting healthy and losing weight. Yes I am still learning how to handle panic attacks. Yes I am still going to be walking and exercising. I am still on the Journey of change. I’m still Breaking Free! I’m just learning a new skill on this journey-Time Management!
I am looking forward to this journey!

Check out my FirstFitness website:
Facebook account that goes with this blog:

The Twitter account that goes with this blog
Account for Blog-

To see where I began this journey: